Aprilaire indoor air quality products can seriously improve your quality of life.
Aprilaire indoor air quality products can seriously improve your quality of life.
Model 700 humidifiers are attached to forced air furnaces and heat pumps. The Model 700 is the most efficient evaporative humidifier from Aprilaire. It’s easy to install and a great choice for systems with low or variable speed air handlers.
Aprilaire whole-home humidifiers deliver the perfect amount of humidity, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They accurately measure the outdoor temperature and indoor humidity levels to provide the ideal amount of indoor relative humidity.
Maintaining the right humidity level throughout your home keeps your nasal passages and airways healthy and reduces incidence of cold and flu. According to Dr. Joseph Lubart in an article in the New York State Journal of Medicine, regulation of humidity “would appear to be the most important prevention measure” from cold virus infection during cold months when the home’s furnace is running.
You’ve invested a lot into your home—protect it. An Aprilaire humidifier can help keep your possessions safe from dry air. Furniture, hardwood floors, musical instruments and electronics are better protected when your home is properly humidified.
Optimal humidity also helps you stay warmer at cooler temperatures. That means you can lower your thermostat and save energy, thereby lowering your heating costs.
We’re proud to service Louisville and the surrounding suburbs in Kentucky and Indiana.